Who is Sandor Settlements?
As part of the Sandor Group, clients require a time sensitive and cost effective solution when tracking the life of an insured under a Life Settlement or insurance policy worldwide.
Sandor uses an internal data base and interactive tracking system, through which the status of each life insured person is monitored. Our system allows Sandor to maintain both direct and indirect contact with each insured person. This proprietary database system in conjunction with several redundancy protocols, are designed to inform Sandor clients the time of a policy maturity in a time sensitive environment.
Sandor sourced two key participants; a financial services management company and a global IT solutions company who worked with Sandor to provide synergies unmatched to those on the market dealing with real-time database mortality tracking services. After over two years of system development the creation of a online and fully interactive database mortality tracking service was launched which would increase the rate of success in death tracking for all Sandor clientele. This service was launched for clients in 2005 and has been a superior addition to monitoring Life Settlements.
Sandor maintains all back office technical database support and maintenance for Mortality Tracker with assistance and ongoing development.